Seriously, if you have an extra $1K laying around then you can snag one of these new robots that Amazon is releasing.

From what I have seen, it reminds me a lot of the Jibo Robot which changed the game for Artificial Intelligence in the home.
Shortly after their launch, companies like Google, Amazon, and Apple started stepping up their game with their AI.
Now that most of us have an AI on our mobile devices, computers, and now in our home, a robot is the next step.
I am excited to see what the future holds for all of us.
This new Astro robot looks cute, and can haul around a few things from person to person, but what freedoms will we be forgoing?

How does all this new technology make you feel? Excited, elated, jubilant, or does it strike a primal fear of newness and unknown?
Hopefully, we all take our time adapting to all the new AI, and read the Terms of Service carefully.
Until next time,
Devin Martinez
Tech Bros of Wilkes Inc
111 W Main St Suite 2
Wilkesboro NC 28697