While watching some evening videos after work, and reading some tech news, I stumbled upon this amazing new robot.

If you have seen Apex on any gaming platform, you will recognize this robot immediately.
Apex Loot Tick Robot by The3DPrintSpace on YouTube

This YouTuber has uploaded almost everything involved with assembling, programing, and testing his new Apex Legends Loot Tick Robot.
The legs and incredible detail of the Apex Loot Tick Robot

"It walks, it talks, and it is mean to smaller loot ticks." -- The3DPrintSpace
Wow! The colors actually change on the Apex Loot Tick Robot. It shakes around too :)
Check out the full video here if you are interested in watching the whole process of building an Apex Legends Loot Tick robot.

A side view of the top color changing panels that have speakers too.

The legs on the Apex Loot Tick Robot are so detailed. I just can't get enough of this robot.
I am very impressed with his craftsmanship. The level of detail is amazing, and I really don't know if I could summon the patience involved with programming all the different movements, and sound files.
Kudo to you "The3DPrintSpace" for amazing us all with your creation.
Thanks for reading,
Devin Martinez
Tech Bros of Wilkes Inc
111 W Main St Suite 2
Wilkesboro NC 28697