Google Chrome is one of the most popular web browsers in the market and millions of people use it every day. But recently, a new zero-day virus was discovered and users need to take action to protect themselves.

A few days ago, Google reported that a zero-day virus has been found on Google Chrome, and anyone who uses this browser should update to the newest version to avoid having their device hacked. The newest version of chrome includes protection against this specific zero-day virus.
Be safe out there on the “interwebs” and be sure you are keeping up-to-date on your anti-virus software, windows updates, plus keeping your browser up-to-date.
Last, but not least, if you are using an Apple product, update to the newest iOS because a zero-day virus exploit has been found there as well.
Sorry for all the bad news today. :(
Thanks for reading,
Devin Martinez
Tech Bros of Wilkes Inc
111 W Main St Suite 2
Wilkesboro NC 28697